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    This is the full NSW drilling dataset available from Geoscientific Data Warehouse. The drillhole data has been compiled over time from various sources including mineral exploration reports and departmental records.It provides drill collar information for mineral drillholes and associated data including classification of drilling purpose, drill type, licencee/driller information, date the hole was drilled and depth of hole drilled, azimuth/dip and references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.

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    This is the coal subset of the NSW drilling dataset available from Geoscientific Data Warehouse. The drillhole data has been compiled over time from various sources including mineral exploration reports and departmental records.It provides drill collar information for coal drillholes and associated data including classification of drilling purpose, drill type, licencee/driller information, date the hole was drilled, depth of hole drilled and references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.

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    The petroleum drillholes dataset stores information about conventional petroleum wells within NSW. The dataset has been developed to record summary data on petroleum exploration and development drilling for holes drilled in New South Wales. The dataset contains summary information about each drillhole such as location, total depth, azimuth/dip, wireline logs, core availability and library location and DIGS references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.

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    The Geochemistry (Whole Rock) dataset contains information about the chemistry of rocks sampled in New South Wales and held by the Geological Survey of NSW (GSNSW). The data has been captured from analyses conducted by the GSNSW and from other work including academic research & collaborative projects, mineral exploration reports and geoscientific publications. The database contains geochemical analyses on nearly 27,000 rock samples which have been collected from field work and drilling activities which date back to the nineteenth century. There are also a small number of assay & hydro-geochemical results. It is an important dataset as the whole rock analysis of rocks for major and trace elements allows classification of the lithology of a rock and provides insight into the conditions in which the rocks formed as well as their economic potential.

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    The Field Observations (FieldObs) database stores observations and measurements of rocks collected by the Geological Survey of NSW. Includes location information, stratigraphic unit, links to mineral occurrence and drill hole data, photo and sketch captions, structural measurements and observations, lithology and rock descriptions, sample collection information, and petrophysical measurements (magnetic susceptibility, radioelement and density).

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    This is the full NSW drilling dataset available from Geoscientific Data Warehouse. The drillhole data has been compiled over time from various sources including mineral exploration reports and departmental records.It provides drill collar information for mineral drillholes and associated data including classification of drilling purpose, drill type, licencee/driller information, date the hole was drilled and depth of hole drilled, azimuth/dip and references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.