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    This layer contains data on mines and mineral deposits, their relevant commodities and operating statuses, styled according to these attributes. PLEASE NOTE: The attribute names in this layer have been modified. This may break applications and other clients with dependencies on the service. For further information please contact Geoscience Australia Client Services at

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    This layer contains data on ore reserves and mineral resources, their commodity grades, and their locations. PLEASE NOTE: The attribute names in this layer have been modified. This may break applications and other clients with dependencies on the service. For further information please contact Geoscience Australia Client Services at

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    This layer contains data on mines and mineral deposits, their relevant commodities and operating statuses, styled according to these attributes. PLEASE NOTE: The attribute names in this layer have been modified. This may break applications and other clients with dependencies on the service. For further information please contact Geoscience Australia Client Services at

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    This layer contains data on ore reserves and mineral resources, their commodity grades, and their locations. PLEASE NOTE: The attribute names in this layer have been modified. This may break applications and other clients with dependencies on the service. For further information please contact Geoscience Australia Client Services at

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    Mineral deposits, occurrences, commodities, reserves and resources, and associated mines from the Geoscience Australia OZMIN database. Additional layers for processing plants and major projects. Some layers are delivered using both the EarthResourceML v2.0 and EarthResourceML-Lite v2.0.1 data standards.

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    Mineral deposits, occurrences, commodities, reserves and resources, and associated mines from the Geoscience Australia OZMIN database. Additional layers for processing plants and major projects. Some layers are delivered using both the EarthResourceML v2.0 and EarthResourceML-Lite v2.0.1 data standards.

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    Geoscience data layers from the Northern Territory Geological Survey. The service includes boreholes (including those scanned for the National Virtual Core Library), mines, mineral occurrences, mineral tenements and petroleum tenements

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    Earth Resource ML (Lite) Commodity Resource View of Tasmania

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    Earth Resource ML (Lite) Mine View of Tasmania

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    EarthResourceML v2.0 Mines of Tasmania