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    Inputs to and outputs from the Forecast Guided Stochastic Model used to produce the paper: Bennett JC, Wang QJ, Robertson DE, Schepen A, Li M, Michael K. 2017. Assessment of an ensemble seasonal streamflow forecasting system for Australia. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 21: 6007-6030. DOI: 10.5194/hess-21-6007-2017. NB: netCDF files comform to the specification documents attached below.

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    Archive of biogeochemical data from case study and research cruise in seven estuaries of the eastern Gulf of Carpentaria. Data were collected via two observational methods: 1) 24-36hr time series of hourly discrete samples and water-column profiles 2) Spatial surveys at approximately low tide, which include discrete samples and water-column profiles collected along the river-ocean axis of estuaries. A small number of discrete samples of porewater were also collected from bore holes to approximately 2m depth. Datasets include carbon, nutrients, sediment particle size, metals, phytoplankton photopigments, CDOM (chromophoric dissolved organic matter), and vertical profiles of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity chlorophyll a fluorescence, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM).

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    Archive of biogeochemical and hydrodynamic data from 2021 research voyage in eastern Cape York. Data were collected via several observational methods including an underway, flow-though sampling system, underway CTD casts, benthic lander deployments, >25hr station keeping, water column profiling, across-axis hydrodynamic transects and along-axis profiling transects. A detailed description of data, methods, and activities is included in this archive as a voyage sampling report.