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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2008_T01, titled "Deepwater Assessment Group." The voyage took place from Hobart to Sydney between April 10 and April 14, 2008 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2008_T01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2009_T01, titled "TRANSIT Sydney to Wellington." The voyage took place from Sydney to Wellington (NZ) between January 25 and February 1, 2009 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2009_T01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2009_T02, titled "Quantifying tuna prey resources off eastern Australia in relation to the regional oceanography." The voyage took place from Noumea (New Caledonia) to Hobart between July 30 and August 7, 2009 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2009_T02 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2009_T03, titled "The composition of shelf and deep sea benthos in the Bass Canyon and the distribution of larval fish off the Eastern Tasmanian coast." The voyage took place from Hobart to Sydney between October 10 and October 15, 2009 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2009_T03 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2010_T03, titled "Next Wave Transit, Hobart to Sydney." The voyage took place from Hobart to Sydney between September 17 and September 21, 2010 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2010_T03 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2010_T01, titled "Leeuwin Current – Australian National Network in Marine Science Student Training Voyage." The voyage took place from Hobart to Broome (via Fremantle) between March 29 and April 13, 2010 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2010_T01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2010_T02, titled "Deep-water benthic biodiversity of the GAB Marine Park." The voyage took place from Fremantle to Hobart between August 10 and August 20, 2010 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2010_T02 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2010_T04, titled "An examination of the temperate reef and deep sea benthic fauna of the south eastern Australian shelf and the trophic relationships between euphausids and larval fish." The voyage took place from Sydney to Hobart between November 3 and November 8, 2010 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2010_T04 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Southern Surveyor transit voyage SS2011_T01, titled "Pre-industrial sea-surface temperature reconstructions in the Australian region; Part 1 eastern Australia." The voyage took place from Hobart to Brisbane between May 5 and May 12, 2011 (UTC). For further information please refer to the lineage statement and voyage documentation links below. The archive for the SS2011_T01 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent digital archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via

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    This record describes the End of Voyage (EOV) archive from the Marine National Facility (MNF) RV Investigator research voyage IN2019_V03, titled "A coupled bio-physical, ecosystem-scale, examination of Australia’s International Indian Ocean Expedition line." The voyage took place between May 14 and June 14, 2019 departing from Fremantle (WA) and arriving in Fremantle. For further information please refer to the voyage documentation links below. Instruments used and data collected include: Regular measurements: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP; 75, 150 KHz ), Lowered ADCP (LADCP), Cloud Condensation Nuclei counter (CCN), Condensation Particle Counters (CPC), Greenhouse Gas Analysers (Picarro), Radon and Ozone and sensors, Scanning Mobility Particle Sizers (SMPS), CTD, Hydrochemistry, Gravimeter, pCO2, Fisheries echosounder (EK60), Multibeam Echosounder (EM710, EM122), Sub-bottom Profiler (SBP120), GPS Positioning System, Doppler Velocity Log, Fluorometer, Oxygen optode, Thermosalinographs (TSG), Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Autonomous Radiometer (ISAR), Multiangle Absorption Photometer (MAAP), Nephelometer, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Wind and Rain sensors, Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) sensor, Precision Infrared Radiometer (PIR), Precision Spectral Pyranometer (PSP), Weather Radar, Expendable Bathythermographs (XBTs). Voyage-specific measurements: DALEC radiometer, CE600 Underwater radiance camera, HyperPRO in-water profiling radiometer, Free-fall radiometer (C-OPS), Cytometry, Equilibrator Inlet Mass Spectrometry (EIMS), Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP), Triaxus, Submersible Ultraviolet Nitrate Analyser (SUNA), EZnet with video, Heron net, Indian Ocean Standard Net, Microzooplankton net, Neuston net, Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR), Microbes, Wildlife observations (seabirds, cetaceans and seals). The archive for the IN2019_V03 EOV raw data is curated by the CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere (O&A) Information and Data Centre (IDC) in Hobart, with a permanent archive at the CSIRO Data Access Portal (DAP,, providing access to participants and processors of the data collected in the voyage. All voyage documentation is available electronically to MNF support via the local network. Access to voyage documentation for non-CSIRO participants can be made via