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    This collection provides additional analyses, figures and tables for an integrated risk assessment of natural, cultural and economic assets in the Kakadu Region of northern Australia, from the combined threats of invasive species (feral animals & aquatic weeds) and climate change induced sea level rise saltwater inundation. It addresses cumulative multiple risks to multiple values over different time frames (Present-day, 2070 & 2100).

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    Name, Brief Description and owner: Baited Remote Underwater stereo-Video (BRUV) systems (6 in total) were used. All equipment (BRUVs, weights, cameras, lights, ropes, etc.) belonged to UWA Relevant component details: make, model, serial number, firmware version, settings: Stereo‐BRUV systems consisted of a frame, protecting 2 convergent video cameras inside waterproof housings (plus one rear-facing video camera) and 2 lights (one forward-facing and one rear-facing), attached to a base bar, with a baited container fixed in front of the cameras. Systems were tethered by rope to surface buoys to facilitate relocation and retrieval. Weights were added to frames due to the current and depth in the area. Cameras used: 2 x Canon HG 25 (forward facing) with the follow settings: • Focus: Manual (3.0m) • Rec Program: P) • Image stabilizer: OFF • Facial recognition: OFF • Recording mode: MXP • Frame rate: PF25 1 x GoPro Hero 3+ (backwards facing), taking photos every 60 seconds. Cameras were calibrated at UWA prior to and at the conclusion of the field trip, using SeaGIS software Cal. Contains files: 8.01.*.avi to 12.11.*.avi

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    Name, Brief Description and owner: Baited Remote Underwater stereo-Video (BRUV) systems (6 in total) were used. All equipment (BRUVs, weights, cameras, lights, ropes, etc.) belonged to UWA Relevant component details: make, model, serial number, firmware version, settings: Stereo‐BRUV systems consisted of a frame, protecting 2 convergent video cameras inside waterproof housings (plus one rear-facing video camera) and 2 lights (one forward-facing and one rear-facing), attached to a base bar, with a baited container fixed in front of the cameras. Systems were tethered by rope to surface buoys to facilitate relocation and retrieval. Weights were added to frames due to the current and depth in the area. Cameras used: 2 x Canon HG 25 (forward facing) with the follow settings: • Focus: Manual (3.0m) • Rec Program: P) • Image stabilizer: OFF • Facial recognition: OFF • Recording mode: MXP • Frame rate: PF25 1 x GoPro Hero 3+ (backwards facing), taking photos every 60 seconds. Cameras were calibrated at UWA prior to and at the conclusion of the field trip, using SeaGIS software Cal. Contains files: 30.01.*.avi to 31.06.*.avi

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    Name, Brief Description and owner: Baited Remote Underwater stereo-Video (BRUV) systems (6 in total) were used. All equipment (BRUVs, weights, cameras, lights, ropes, etc.) belonged to UWA Relevant component details: make, model, serial number, firmware version, settings: Stereo‐BRUV systems consisted of a frame, protecting 2 convergent video cameras inside waterproof housings (plus one rear-facing video camera) and 2 lights (one forward-facing and one rear-facing), attached to a base bar, with a baited container fixed in front of the cameras. Systems were tethered by rope to surface buoys to facilitate relocation and retrieval. Weights were added to frames due to the current and depth in the area. Cameras used: 2 x Canon HG 25 (forward facing) with the follow settings: • Focus: Manual (3.0m) • Rec Program: P) • Image stabilizer: OFF • Facial recognition: OFF • Recording mode: MXP • Frame rate: PF25 1 x GoPro Hero 3+ (backwards facing), taking photos every 60 seconds. Cameras were calibrated at UWA prior to and at the conclusion of the field trip, using SeaGIS software Cal. Contains files: 13.02.*.avi to 23.09.*.avi

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    Name, Brief Description and owner: Baited Remote Underwater stereo-Video (BRUV) systems (6 in total) were used. All equipment (BRUVs, weights, cameras, lights, ropes, etc.) belonged to UWA Relevant component details: make, model, serial number, firmware version, settings: Stereo‐BRUV systems consisted of a frame, protecting 2 convergent video cameras inside waterproof housings (plus one rear-facing video camera) and 2 lights (one forward-facing and one rear-facing), attached to a base bar, with a baited container fixed in front of the cameras. Systems were tethered by rope to surface buoys to facilitate relocation and retrieval. Weights were added to frames due to the current and depth in the area. Cameras used: 2 x Canon HG 25 (forward facing) with the follow settings: • Focus: Manual (3.0m) • Rec Program: P) • Image stabilizer: OFF • Facial recognition: OFF • Recording mode: MXP • Frame rate: PF25 1 x GoPro Hero 3+ (backwards facing), taking photos every 60 seconds. Cameras were calibrated at UWA prior to and at the conclusion of the field trip, using SeaGIS software Cal. Contains folders: Backwards, Forwards, New Convert, Videos Done

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    Name, Brief Description and owner: Baited Remote Underwater stereo-Video (BRUV) systems (6 in total) were used. All equipment (BRUVs, weights, cameras, lights, ropes, etc.) belonged to UWA Relevant component details: make, model, serial number, firmware version, settings: Stereo‐BRUV systems consisted of a frame, protecting 2 convergent video cameras inside waterproof housings (plus one rear-facing video camera) and 2 lights (one forward-facing and one rear-facing), attached to a base bar, with a baited container fixed in front of the cameras. Systems were tethered by rope to surface buoys to facilitate relocation and retrieval. Weights were added to frames due to the current and depth in the area. Cameras used: 2 x Canon HG 25 (forward facing) with the follow settings: • Focus: Manual (3.0m) • Rec Program: P) • Image stabilizer: OFF • Facial recognition: OFF • Recording mode: MXP • Frame rate: PF25 1 x GoPro Hero 3+ (backwards facing), taking photos every 60 seconds. Cameras were calibrated at UWA prior to and at the conclusion of the field trip, using SeaGIS software Cal. Contains files: 1.01.*.avi to 7.08.*.avi